Friday, August 20, 2010

Learning over the past week - A Summary

1. I am learning some practical technology tools to use in the classroom, such as mixbook, kidblog, blabberize, wordle, etc. This connects to capacity #3 in my LTT program "use, evaluate and integrate existing and emerging technologies into your practice." This is important to me because, as we studied earlier this week, education must and is changing. I need to be a part of it. Children these days need to use emerging technologies to be a part of our new society. Their definition of knowledge is fluid and is only worthwhile if it is useful. By using some of the above tools, I am encouraging my students to use creativity and share their work with a wider community. Evidence that shows this learning would be the notes I've taken in my journal with these websites listed, my new membership at places like mixbook, and my journal entries from the past few days where I've talked about how much I was learning.

2. I am learning to appreciate and participate in the global education community using such things as twitter, education pln, classroom 2.0 and a few educators' blogs. This links to Capacity 5 in the LTT program "access, evaluate, use and participate in new media interactions in education." This is important to me because i must model being a lifelong learner for my students. If I feel that it is important for them to know and behave in such a way that they are part of a global society, I must also behave that way. By participating in these communities I am acknowledging that people outside of my own "home" circle have ideas of worth for me and also, equally as important, that I may have something to offer to them. Evidence that shows this learning would include my posts on Classroom 2.0 (see previous blog), my tweets, and my explorations on the web (and my journal responses to them).

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