Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ubiquitous learning / ubiquitous technology

The video showed a girl saying "We are learning the same thing, but in a different way." I question that. What is she learning? What did I learn back in the day? Are kids today learning the same things I did? What is the different way she is learning? I'm assuming she was talking about technology. No, I did not have access to computers, digital social networks or the world at my finger tips. But I did have a library complete with several complete sets of encyclopedias, I had a social network of my peers (and a few other grades in the classroom, as well), and radio where I heard news reports of things from around the world.

I sometimes wonder if it was necessary to learn the things I learned. Do I want my children to have to learn the same things? Why is it important? Just because it's part of the "prescribed curriculum?"

So do we need to change the very fundamentals of what we need to learn? What is important for our students to learn?

How does technology influence the learning our students are doing now?

Any comments? Opinions? Let me know.

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