Thursday, August 19, 2010

Putting myself out there...Capacity 5! HA!

So I've done it. I've responded to a stranger who was asking a question that I thought maybe, just maybe, I could contribute to an answer. I know, I know...this is probably nothing to most of you, but it is to me. I have never felt like I could help anyone online with anything techy before. I'm taking this course simply because I am the newbie...I don't know anything I? Well, I was on classroom 2.0 (an educational Ning site) where i saw a question from a teacher asking for help using technology in reading education with young students. Well, although a voice in the back of my head keeps telling me "Oh come on...she probably knows all that. You have nothing new. You're way behind the times. She wants something great!"...but I'm ignoring that voice. And here I am.

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