Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Almost done...but not really

So tonight I had my second to last class. It was online and required us sharing out what we had done with our field studies this past semester. It felt awkward to be talking to a computer and then listening to replies that were typed back. I still like the face to face thing better. But it was good, and this way I could still answer the phone without feeling rude, still have a facebook chat with my son....guess it's the new way of multi-tasking. But...I enjoyed hearing what my classmates have done. I've got some ideas that I'd like to try in my class over the next few months. Who knew of a good way to incorporate math into the morning calendar time? My classmate, that's who. And so I hope to continue with learning and growing, even if my official time of being a graduate student winds down. I listened to a classmate as she talked about the difficulty of getting through to parents with her blog, and yet how it was a successful way to communicate with parents she had never met yet. Fellow teachers are such a wealth of ideas and information, and being a part of this global community is something that I don't want to give up. It's been good to be forced to be a part of it. I will continue.

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